My Strawberry Bridal Shower

Last weekend, Rex’s mom Ginger and one of his sisters-in-law Cait threw me a strawberry theme shower and it could not have been more perfect! My older sister Jiyoung offered her home to host the shower, which I was so thankful for too.

Rex gifted me these flowers the morning of the bridal shower day per my request, which we ended up using on the drink table as decor. He requested flowers for a “strawberry themed shower” from TG Floristy and they really delivered!

Ginger and Cait drove down to North Carolina from Tennessee Saturday morning with a car packed full of stuff for the shower. They were so prepared and brought everything from literal tables to serving ware to flowers to food!

Cait has such a talent and she made this beautiful welcome sign (and all the flower arrangements), which made perfect backdrop for photos later! She actually has a business called The Paper Lily Shop where she sells door hangers and custom paintings.

Between the four of us, we got everything set up for the shower (Jiyoung and I really did whatever Ginger and Cait told us to haha, including make a balloon arch).

We then played a game of “who knows the bride best” and some of the answers are still cracking me up. Jiyoung guessed I would bring a water pik to a desert island?!

Opening the gifts was so fun and it felt like Christmas (which is how I’ve been feeling about the registry gifts showing up)! My mom got me a pair of pickle ball paddles which cracked me up haha.

Ginger and Cait brought a strawberry cake, which almost had me die because of how cute it was! My little sister Sujung took a photo come with the cake because it was obviously necessary.

And there were little jars of strawberry jam to take home! Also taking a moment to say I loved the invitation design they picked out for the shower! Truly everything was perfect.

Huge thanks to Ginger and Cait for throwing me the most thoughtful and sweet bridal shower!