My YouTube Channel!

    Hi, friends! I don’t think I ever officially introduced my YouTube Channel on the blog but what better time than now because I shared my first YouTube video of 2022 today! I took a break for a couple of months but filming and editing this video reminded me how much I enjoyed creating video content. YouTube has been the social media channel I have used the longest (well, other than Facebook) and it has been a constant love for me over the last decade. I started making YouTube videos last year because I love watching them. Taking a lunch break with a side of a fun vlog is one of…


    Living and Sharing Authentically

    As someone who uses and shares on social media daily, I have been thinking a lot about what and how I share on social media, particularly Instagram. I first began blogging back in 2018 with my sisters; we documented our adventures around the Triangle Area under the account name Three Shinsters. A little over a year later, Three Shinsters became Better with Ju. Authenticity is a value I’ve held close to my heart my entire life. Being genuinely “me” is incredibly important to me and I take pride in being “me.” In the last year or so, I have had this sense of unease because sometimes I am not sure…


    Top Posts of 2021

    As another year comes to an end, I am taking some time to reflect on 2021. One of my blogging goals for this year was to publish more blog posts and to write about different topics. In 2021, I published 60(!) blog posts and started a couple of new series such as “Things I Bought Recently” and “Week in Outfits” posts while keeping up with my monthly book review roundups. When I started writing blog posts regularly in 2020, I set a weekly publishing schedule as a motivation to keep up with the blog. This year, I threw the posting schedule out the window to give myself freedom and flexibility.…


    Holiday Season Gratitude

    Hi, friends! I initially shared a shorter version of this on Instagram but I am sharing it again on the blog because I want to live here as well. I have been reflecting more during this holiday season and wanted to share the gratitude I am feeling. My family went to Angus Barn this past Friday and crossed it off our North Carolina bucket list! It’s decorated beautifully for the holiday season this time of the year, and it was quite magical and a little bit surreal being there. Christmas Dinner at Angus Barn was one of those things my family was vaguely aware of but couldn’t fathom the idea of…


    Things I’m Gifting This Year – 2021

    Gift giving is my love language, and I have so much fun shopping for gifts! I wanted to share some gifts I am buying this year. I only do Christmas gifts for a handful people and I would like to think that these gifts are thoughtfully picked out. Here are some gifts I am giving this year: Breville The Handy Mix Scraper My older sister has been into baking more and asked for a hand mixer. After some research (aka googling and looking up a few “best hand mixer” lists), I decided on this Breville Hand Mixer! I found it for the best price on Bed Bath & Beyond. Candle Care…