• An Asian woman sitting on top of a mountain

    2021 Intentions and Goals

    Hi, friends. Hope you are hanging in there and taking care of yourself. Since the Wednesday capitol attack by white supremacists, I have been doing lots of thinking and reflecting. I am focusing on things I can control and actions I can personally take.


    Thoughts as a Newly 28 year old

    Hi, friends! I am writing this blog post as a newly 28 year old. I will warn you that this is going to be a type of word vomit. My mind has been all over the place recently, especially this past week with the election outcome being up in the air. At the time of writing this, we finally know Biden-Harris has won the election, and I am taking this as a belated birthday gift haha. While I am riding this election high, I wanted to reflect on the past year.


    Monthly Mumbles #1

    Hi, friends! I have been wanting to write more personal posts so I am here with my very first Monthly Mumbles post! What this means exactly is TBD, but I am hoping to share what’s been going on in my life recently, what TV shows I’m watching, etc.


    30 Before 30

    Hi friends! Today, I have more of a personal post than of an informative post. I recently turned 27, and came up with 30 things I would like do to before I turn 30. I’m giving myself almost 3 years to complete this so I am hopeful!